Handbrake Mac Free Download

This article is for an older version of HandBrake. All versions.

Dieser Artikel ist für eine ältere Version von HandBrake. Alle Versionen.

HandBrake is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows, at the HandBrake website.

This is the only official download source for HandBrake. For more information, see Where to get HandBrake.

Nov 10, 2019. In this video tutorial, I'll be showing you how to download and install Handbrake. Website Link: Subscribe Share h.


  • Jun 27, 2018.
  • Feb 28, 2020.

Most modern computers can run HandBrake. To be sure your system meets the minimum requirements, see System requirements in the technical documentation.

To download HandBrake to your computer, click the download button on the HandBrake website’s Home page. You can also choose a version for a specific operating system from the Downloads page.

Experienced users may wish to try HandBrake’s nightly builds1.

Verifying your download


The HandBrake Team publishes checksums for all downloads on handbrake.fr and the Checksums article on GitHub. You may use the provided checksums to verify the integrity of the files you download.

When installing on Linux using the official PPA, download integrity is verified automatically. Similarly, the integrity of source code managed using git is verified automatically.

To verify an official source distribution tarball or Flatpak bundle, consult your Linux distribution’s documentation for instructions on how to verify checksums.

On Mac, launch Terminal from your Applications > Utilities folder and use the shasum command. For example, if you downloaded HandBrake to your Downloads folder:

Alternatively, the free third-party app Hashsum available on the Mac App Store provides a convenient graphical interface for computing file checksums2.

On Windows, Microsoft provides the Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier command line utility for verifying checksums. Please see the associated Microsoft help article for more information and usage instructions.

Alternatively, free third-party apps Compute Hash, ExactFile, and MultiHasher for Windows provide convenient graphical interfaces for computing file checksums3.

If the checksums for the file you downloaded do not match the ones published by the HandBrake Team, you should delete the file and try your download again.


The HandBrake Team also publishes OpenPGP signatures for all downloads on GitHub. More information is available on the OpenPGP article on GitHub.

Installing on Linux

If you have installed a HandBrake package from your distribution or other third-party package repository, please remove it before proceeding. See the section, Warning about broken third-party builds on Where to get HandBrake for more information.

Ubuntu PPAs

The following instructions are for Ubuntu. They may also work on other deb-compatible distributions. For other Linux, please compile from the official source code.

From the command line, add the official releases PPA to your system.

If you prefer HandBrake’s nightly builds, add the official git-snapshots PPA.

Install HandBrake.

Run HandBrakeCLI to use HandBrake on the command line.

Run ghb to launch HandBrake’s graphical user interface. You may wish to right-click on the icon and select “Lock to Launcher” for easy access in the future.

Flatpak bundles

Flatpak bundles of HandBrake for Linux are available on the HandBrake website and Flathub.

Install your distribution’s flatpak package before running the following commands.

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Handbrake Free Download For Mac

Install the latest HandBrake release from Flathub.

You can later update the HandBrake Flatpak to the latest release on Flathub by running the following.

If you prefer HandBrake’s nightly builds, download and install the latest available version (requires your distribution’s curl package).

Run flatpak run fr.handbrake.ghb to launch HandBrake’s graphical user interface, or flatpak run --command=HandBrakeCLI fr.handbrake.ghb to use HandBrake on the command line.

Installing on Mac

Once you’ve downloaded HandBrake for Mac, open the disk image in your Downloads folder. Your web browser (e.g. Safari, Firefox, or Chrome) may do this for you automatically. Then drag the HandBrake application to your Applications folder.

HandBrake is now installed. You may eject the disk image and move it to the Trash.

Installing on Windows

Once you’ve downloaded the HandBrake installer, simply double click to run it.

If HandBrake is already installed on your computer, the installer will offer to remove the previous version before installing the current version. Select OK to proceed and review HandBrake’s license terms.

Next, the installer will ask you where you wish to install HandBrake. Unless you have a specific reason to change this, select Install to continue. Once the installation is complete, you may select Finish to exit the installer.

You will find shortcuts for launching HandBrake placed on both the Windows Desktop and Start Menu.

Windows SmartScreen

When installing on Windows 8 or 10 with Windows SmartScreen enabled, you may see a message indicating that the HandBrake installer is not recognized by Windows.

HandBrake is not “signed” by Microsoft. This message doesn’t mean anything is wrong; rather, it indicates that HandBrake is not part of Microsoft’s paid program to validate Windows applications.

By selecting More info, you will be able to select Run anyway to continue the installation.

Launching HandBrake

You may launch HandBrake by quickly clicking twice (double-clicking) on the cocktail & pineapple icon. Depending on your system settings, a single click may suffice.

Handbrake free download for mac 10.8

Handbrake For Mac Os

Next steps

Handbrake Mac Free Download
  1. Nightly builds are based on HandBrake’s latest development code, including new and experimental features that may be unstable or significantly different than the latest release version. Although everyone is welcome to try them, nightly builds are best suited for experienced users and developers.↩

  2. HandBrake is not associated with any third-party checksum utilities. Only use software from vendors you trust.↩

  3. HandBrake is not associated with any third-party checksum utilities. Only use software from vendors you trust.↩

It's a fundamental law of computing: multimedia files are never in the format you need. And so while in theory something like an iPhone is great for watching videos on the move, in practice they'll need to be in something like M4V, MP4 or MOV formats, and getting your files converted can be a problem. But that's where HandBrake comes in.

The program accepts video data in just about any source format, including DVDs (as long as they're unencrypted: commercial DVDs can't be imported unless you install extra libraries).

You can then choose your output format (MP4 or MKV), and apply whatever additional tweaks you might need. Videos can be resized or cropped, for instance, filtered in various ways (deinterlace, denoise, deblock, more), you're able to choose the destination frame rate, or even set a target size for the converted file so you can be sure it'll fit on your target device.

If you prefer a simple life, though, you can just choose one of the conversion presets like iPad, iPad or AppleTV. HandBrake will automatically set all its other options, and all you have to do is click Start and wait for your new video or audio file to arrive.

Handbrake Video Converter Reviews

It's worth adding that HandBrake is 64-bit-only.

Handbrake Free Download For Mac 10.8


HandBrake is an effective and highly configurable video converter. The interface can be intimidating, though, and you'll need some transcoding experience to get the best out of the program.